Student's Guide to Radical Healing

Show Vol.2 Table of Contents

Vol.2 Table of Contents

African American Communities

1. Police Brutality33 34:

An excessive force used by the police to hurt and/or kill people. African Americans deal with police brutality due to anti-black racism, resulting in mental health problems, and cumulative stress effects on health from experiencing and witnessing it.

Healing Response/Practices:

  • Engage in Black led conversations. Attend support groups allowing Black students to discuss their experiences. Seek mental health services

Reflection Question: What are some ways where you can create a safe space for yourself to express how you feel?

2. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS)35:

Explains how multi-generational trauma within the Black community still affects African Americans in present time. Similar to PTSD.

Healing Response/Practices:

  • Seek help from mental health professionals who understand PTSS/Black experience. Engage in ancestral healing practices like creating an altar, meditation and praye>

Reflection Question: What are some ways in which you can practice self care while experiencing symptoms of PTSS?

3. Systematic Inequality Gap36:

The wage gap is unequal between white and black households. African Americans experience a financial disadvantage, causing stress from trying to survive.

Healing Response/Practices:

  • Join a support group for Black people to discuss these systematic disadvantages and how they make you feel
  • Seek counseling from a therapist who understands the Black experience

Reflection Question: What are some ways you can build community with other Black people?