Student's Guide to Radical Healing

Show Vol.2 Table of Contents

Vol.2 Table of Contents

People with Disabilities

1. Disability Stigma10:

results in stereotyping, condescension, discrimination, social avoidance, hate crimes and violence. Stigma leads to major barriers for people with disabilities to participate in the community.

Healing Responses/Practices:

  • Join a support group to talk about your shared experience with stigma and seek therapy

Reflection Question: What are ways that society as a whole perpetuates stigma for people with disabilities? How can these views be addressed and altered?

2. Adverse Life Events11:

Individuals with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse life events like poor housing, poverty, violence, social isolation, and abuse. This may lead to PTSD and interpersonal feelings of guilt.

Healing Responses/Practices:

  • Seek providers for trauma informed care & recognize the impact that societal structures have perpetuated trauma on people with disabilities

Reflection Question: What resources would be helpful to you?

3. Caregiver Abuse/Neglect12 13:

People with severe disabilities may require support from a caregiver who helps care for them throughout the day. Caregiver abuse includes physical or mental maltreatment resulting in mental, emotional, physical, or sexual harm.

Healing Responses/Practices:

  • Seek support groups/safe spaces to share experiences
  • Disclosing what is going on to an alternative caregiver, family member, local protective services

Reflection Question: What should the relationship between a caregiver and the person receiving care look like?